Meet Dr. Jesse Morris

I hear the same story over and over. A busy person with a million things on their plate; work, kids, family and maybe, just maybe a few moments left over for themselves. Slowly over time they notice that they don’t have the energy they used to have, their ability to jump out of bed, make lunches, get the kids to school and then crush it at work just isn’t there. Slowly but surely they feel depleted and exhausted and develop nagging aches and pains that just wont go away.

 But here’s the part of the story that gets me heated, when they do finally reach out for help with a doctor, all they do is run some basic blood work and tell them “everything is fine”. Maybe they get some basic medication or a recommendation for physical therapy but not the type of care that will truly help them heal.

 In their heart they know this can’t be right. How can you feel so achey and depleted if “everything is fine”? Their health is breaking down under the stress of modern life with nowhere to turn for meaningful help.

 Here’s the unfortunate truth… modern medicine is fantastic for emergency care but… when it comes to chronic illness, when it comes with helping people truly get healthy, they really don’t have much to offer.

 It breaks my heart to think of the thousands of people who are being completely ignored by our healthcare system. They’re struggling through their days against the constant weight of pain and chronic health conditions.

 Helping people like this restore their health and reclaim their vitality is why I do what I do. For the past 15 years I’ve been focused on helping people find answers to their health challenges and naturally regain their health. It’s the drive behind my relentless learning and my mission to serve you with exceptional care.

 If you’re ready to restore your health, reclaim your vitality I’d love to help.


When I’m not taking care of patients or taking a course, you might find me dancing barefoot in the sand with my family at a west Marin beach, riding bikes with my kids, backpacking in the wilderness or feeding my fantasy of being a world famous DJ by making playlists on Spotify.   

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