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Insane Stats From The CDC On Chronic Disease
According to the CDC 60% of US adults have a chronic disease and 40% of US adults have 2 or more chronic diseases. Chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability and the biggest driver of health care cost. In this video I share some ideas of what it's going to take to address this massive problem.
What Is Functional Medicine?
In this video I give a short description of what functional medicine is and how it's different than conventional medicine. In short functional medicine is a whole body approach to health care with a focus on discovering and treating the root cause of chronic health conditions.
Safe Social Connection - An Essential Nutrient
In this video I share another gem from an amazing book on the polyvagal theory. One of the core principals of the polyvagal theory is that safe social connection is like an essential nutrient for mental and physical health. To support your longevity I highly recommend prioritizing time with your people where you feel safe and connected.
3 Secret & Profound Benefits Of Exercise
In this video I share 3 profound benefits of exercise that not many people know about. Beyond strong muscles and cardio vascular health, exercise stimulates your cells to make more mitochondria, promotes a diverse microbiome and supports healthy brain function. This highlights just how fundamental exercise is for you overall health.
Oxytocin: The Love & Heart Healing Hormone
In this video I share a beautiful tidbit about the hormone oxytocin. Not only does it help us experience love and bonding but it's also fundamental in healing a damaged heart.
My Personal Struggle With Long Covid Symptoms
In this video I open up and share about my personal journey with long covid symptoms and some of the strategies that have been helpful for me. My hope is that this process will help me gain tools and insights to help others struggling with long covid.
Home Technique For Vagal Nerve Stimulation
In this video I teach a simple technique for vagal nerve stimulation using combination of gargling and an electric toothbrush in the ear. Vagal nerve stimulation can be a powerful way to reduce stress and anxiety, improve gut function, and improve your sleep. It's even been shown to lower blood pressure.
Is Insulin Resistance Causing Your Fatigue? Here’s The Quick and Dirty.
Not only is insulin resistance the first step towards diabetes, its also a major cause of fatigue. How would you know if insulin resistance is causing your fatigue? In this video I cover the telltale symptoms that can let you know if you've got insulin resistance brewing.
Telltale Signs That Low Blood Sugar Is Causing Fatigue
Low blood sugar is a super common cause of fatigue but it's often overlooked because it doesn't present with obvious markers on blood work. In this video I cover the handful of telltale symptoms that make it clear that low blood sugar is a problem.
Is Low Thyroid Causing Your Fatigue? (Short and Sweet)
Low thyroid function is a super common cause of fatigue. In addition to fatigue there a number of telltale symptoms of low thyroid function. These include weight gain, thinning hair, feeling cold, and brain fog. If these symptoms sound familiar there is a good chance that low thyroid function is causing your fatigue.
Is Low Iron Causing Your Fatigue? Here’s the quick and dirty.
Low iron is a super common cause of fatigue. In addition to fatigue there a number of telltale symptoms of low iron. These include bruising easily, weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, thinning hair, brittle nails and restless leg syndrome. If these symptoms sound familiar there is a good chance that low iron is causing or contributing to your fatigue.
Find Out What’s Causing Your Fatigue!
4 of the most common causes of fatigue I see in my practice are low iron, low thyroid function, low blood sugar and insulin resistance. In order to help people figure out if one of those common conditions is causing their fatigue I created a quiz. If you want some insight into what's causing your fatigue you can pick up a free copy of the quiz at https://www.jessemorris.com/quiz
Top Supplements To Counteract Insulin Resistance
I believe the best approach to treating insulin resistance is a combination of specific supplements and lifestyle changes. In this video I share the top supplements I recommend to counteract insulin resistance. If you have insulin resistance or diabetes it really is possible to make significant improvements in your condition with the right diet and lifestyle changes.
Using Intermittent Fasting To Counteract Insulin Resistance
Intermittent fasting is a powerful strategy for improving insulin resistance. Intermittent fasting has been shown to lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, promote weight loss and reduce inflammation. I this video I share 3 of the common approaches for intermittent fasting and which one is my personal favorite.
3 Powerful Strategies To Counteract Insulin Resistance
In this video I cover 3 powerful lifestyle strategies to counteract insulin resistance and diabetes. Diet, exercise and stress reduction are the fundamentals. They are the nuts and bolts that must be addressed in your lifestyle to improve insulin resistance and diabetes.
Top 5 Signs That Insulin Resistance Is Causing Your Fatigue
In this video I break down what insulin resistance is, how it relates to high blood sugar and 5 of the most common symptoms that can let you know if insulin resistance is causing your fatigue. Learning how to recognize the early signs of insulin resistance is the first step to fixing it before it progresses to full blown diabetes.
5 Lifestyle Factors That Must Be Addressed To Fix Low Blood Sugar
This video covers the top 5 lifestyle factors that must be addressed to fix low blood sugar. The best approach to addressing low blood sugar is a combination of specific supplements and lifestyle changes.
Top 3 Supplements For Low Blood Sugar
In this video I cover the top 3 supplements I recommend to help fix low blood sugar. The best approach to addressing low blood sugar is a combination of lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, and exercise along with specific supplements.
Top 5 Signs That Low Blood Sugar Is Causing Your Fatigue
In this video I cover the top 5 signs that low blood sugar is causing your fatigue. There are some tell-tale signs that your blood sugar may be too low including getting "hangry" of you go more than 3-4 hours without eating and waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble getting back to sleep. Correctly identifying low blood sugar is the first step to fixing it and getting your energy back.
Is Low Iron The Cause Of Your Fatigue?
One of the most common causes of fatigue that I see in my practice is low iron. The best way to evaluate your iron is a simple blood test called ferritin. If you're fatigued and your ferritin is less than 50 I recommend supplementing iron AND digging into the root cause of why your iron is low in the first place.